Welcome to VideoTouch!

Just 3 simple steps separate you from a new level of business
It's easy to do with VideoTouch widget
  • VideoTouch widget is a service that helps you:
    • grab the attention of potential customers from the first seconds;

    • create your Brand and stand out from a huge number of identical offers and competitors;

    • increase sales and your income.
  • What's next?
    • Record a short video.

    • Create a widget on the VideoTouch platform.

    • Post the widget code on the page where you want to show this video.
Which businesses is VideoTouch widget ideal for?
  • Selling services
    VideoTouch widget is great for companies selling services. Having a simple text about your service cannot create emotional contact with the potential client. But the video does. The client will eventually become more confident in you and your service and motivated to use it.
  • Selling goods
    VideoTouch platform will convince the visitors that you deeply care about your customers, and treat the quality of the goods responsibly. You can tell about the main advantages of your product or your new offers and make them feel special.
Ok, I'm ready. What should I say in a video?
This is a great question! Here are some ideas to spark your creativity:
We know making even a short video is hard. Our tip: in order not to get lost, prepare your video script in advance and practice few times. And yes, don't plan to be done with it in five minutes ;)

If you haven't yet decided what you want to say or show, let us know! We will do our best to help you.
  • Few rules about the video:
    • It should be vertical with a 9x16 aspect ratio (like videos you see in Instagram stories). In this case, it will be fully displayed in the widget. If you upload a horizontal video, our service will automatically crop it, and only show the center part of your video.

    • You can upload any of the popular video formats. You can upload a video and create a widget right from your phone!

    • We don't recommend making videos longer than 2 minutes. Studies show that short videos are perceived better - and this is the result you're looking for, right?

    • The limit on video size is 200 Mb.