
A free and simple solution for

collecting video testimonials

The complete toolkit to request, capture
and share video feedback from your customers. It's free and no code required

How it works

Create a campaign and decide whether you want to collect video or text testimonials. You can also include a form to gather further information like social profiles and job titles.

Add incentives such discounts and promotional offers to increase customer's participation rate
Create your campaign
We generate a unique link that you can share via email or social media.

Your customers can record on any desktop and mobile device directly from their browser without logging in or using an additional app
Share your unique link
Once a customer has submitted their testimonial you will be notified via email.

To share the testimonials you can download them
to your desktop, link to the hosted video or generate
a custom video widget for your website with our service for free
Share the testimonials
Get started for free today
Once a customer has submitted their testimonial you will be notified via email.

To share the testimonials you can download them to your desktop, link to the hosted video or generate a custom video widget for your website with our service for free

Why video testimonials

Giving your loyal customers a platform to talk about how much they love your product can help convert more buyers
Let your customers do the talking
Social proof gives potential buyers the confidence to purchase your product. This is such a powerful marketing tool to boost your brand and build trust
The power of social proof
Anyone, anywhere can open the link and start recording.
No app download required, no login required and supported across all devices. We built a frictionless experience so customers are more likely to send testimonials
Simplicity at its finest
Anyone, anywhere can open the link and start recording. No app download required, no login required and supported across all devices. We built a frictionless experience so customers are more likely to send testimonials

What can you do with VideoTouch?

Embed videos on your site using our optimized video widget to boost conversions and SEO
Download videos from your dashboard and share on Youtube & social media
to amplify your brand
Turn the testimonials into engaging social media ads and show genuine customers promoting your products
Download videos from your dashboard and share on Youtube & social media to amplify your brand
What can you do with VideoTouch?
You can insert the testimonials into any block on the site or place it on any other service
Justin Albertson
SEO Skill Cup
Justin Albertson
SEO Skill Cup
Justin Albertson
SEO Skill Cup

Benefits of video testimonial software

We offer ad-free hosting for all your video testimonials
Free hosting
We make it easy for your customers to record and submit testimonials with any device
Seamless user experience
Launch a video testimonial campaign and generate a share link in minutes and watch the videos roll in
Spend time focusing
on your product while we help collect testimonials
You don't need to figure out what and how to ask your clients for video testimonials. We focus on testimonials and already did it for you
Use a professional service that's optimized for video testimonials
Get notified when new testimonials are submitted. Using the dashboard you can review and publish them to your website or social channels
Get notified
You don't need to awkwardly ask your customers for video testimonials anymore. Send them to your custom VideoTouch landing page and we will do the rest
We're optimized for video testimonials, why use anything else?

Curious how video testimonials will look like on your website?

Add our sample embed code in one minute to your website and check it looks!
function* takeItem(arr){or(var i=0; i < arr.length; i++){yield arr[i]; }ar users = ["Tom", "Bob","Sam", "Alice", "Kate", "Ann"]; ar userGenerator = takeItem (users); var timer = setInterval(function (){ var user = userGenerator. next(); if(user.done)
{ clearInterval(timer); console.log("The End ");} else{ console.log(user.value);to amplify your brand

VideoTouch is perfect for...

Authentic testimonials from real customers. Experiential user generated content
As a freelancer, you know how hard it may be sometimes to get a new client. Testimonials from your previous clients will show that you're trustworthy and your lead will be in the good hands of a professional, if they choose you
We know that reading reviews became the new "must-do" thing before buying anything online or offline. Make this task easier for future clients and show them how happy your previous customers are with your product!
When choosing educational courses, people always want to know they won't spend their time learning nothing
Education (online and offline)
A student success story in the first person will help them boost their confidence in your product and increase your sales
Add the real personality to your reviews and start building trust with your product from the first minute
Convert more buyers with social proof. Let customers promote your brand in their
own words
Inspiring stories that
drive action. Experiences, documented collaboratively
Convert more buyers with social proof. Let customers promote your brand in their own words
Inspiring stories that drive action. Experiences, documented collaboratively

and also for...

Show your potential partners your great history of working with other clients. Let them prove that you're their best bet in building success.
B2B companies


Get started for free today
© VideoTouch, 2020-2021